My clasmate's

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


                      Hello...........I'am Mr.Rey Badagodos Iwas born in Pontevedra Bailan Hospital.I'm 18 years'old I live in Bantigue panay capiz .I graduated  in COMMISIONER.LUIS R.ASIS NATIONAL HIGHSCHOOL and ikalima sa aming magkakapatid my mother work is a house wife and my father is a fisherman ,and succesful men someday and i'am proud width my self.

                      I'am one of student  who wants to finish their student.But sometimes life of a student is not easy because even you are tired of something what you make,you need to study  you lesson to got a higher grade and make you self as independent .But its more difficult in your have a financial problem.You ean't afford to try something for ur school.But i know all of that is only trial and every trials comes into your life has a solution.You need to trust your self to be strong and trust also in our god.............trials make  you strong to succed and someday if you finish your study you can have a job.But its not so easyit you got if trials is our partner in life but  you can fight it and you'll see how different you have now than before .I'am the one who wants to finish someday.